This is your special day, a pivotal moment in the journey of your relationship. You want it to be just right, and so do I.

We begin by meeting together to see whether I am indeed the right celebrant for you. At this meeting I provide a kit containing examples of the different components of a wedding ceremony, together with the legal obligations.

Apart from the legal requirements, your ceremony is designed to represent you personally as a couple, a ceremony that will not only connect with you deeply but also your guests. Some couples are clear about wanting certain symbols, or particular readings. There may be cultural considerations you want incorporated into the ceremony. I am experienced in interfaith weddings, such as those involving Jewish customs. I have always been a strong advocate for same-sex marriage, and I welcome the opportunity to conduct many of these in the coming years. My role at the early stage is to help you decide what is right for you and, if need be, come up with a range of options.

Contact me

Phone: 03 9489 4185
Mobile: 0407 831 806

I meet with couples as often as required. This usually amounts to two or three times, with emails and phone calls in between. I always send a draft copy of the ceremony for your perusal in plenty of time to make changes if required. I complete all the legal paperwork necessary for your marriage.

I recommend an on-site rehearsal prior to the wedding. It helps with nerves, and also is useful to see how the ceremony and the venue can work to the best advantage. I provide a P.A. system if this is necessary.

As a lasting reminiscence of your day I provide an artistic presentation copy of your ceremony.